2021 Moments
Project: Personal
Art Account: Heartknots_
Illustrated and Animated with iPad Procreate
Project: Personal
Art Account: Heartknots_
Illustrated and Animated with iPad Procreate

A short visit to the museum and what caught my attention was this sweet little moment of seeing grandparents
bringing their grandchildren to tour around the museum. It was a precious moment that I would like to capture.

The beautiful sunsetting moment while on my way home from work brings me comfort after
a day of hustling, and an interesting rooster crossing the road (literally).

Due to the pandemic, most people are required to work from home. This is my workstation
from home. A cup of tea, a sketchbook and sunlight through the window.
Stay thank’FULL’
Drive towards positivity
Take a breather
Stop and listen
Enjoy the process